Jadyn had more of a birthday weekend celebration, than just a party. Her birthday was actually Sunday, but we just did a small family thing. Saturday was her big party/parties. We had a party at build-a-bear for the little kids around her age. That place was packed! Then we had a bigger party for everyone at Larry's pizza that night. We have been telling Jadyn that when she turns two that there would be no more mimi(paci) and I had read an idea of taking all your paci's and putting them in a bear. So we decided to do that and I've been talking to Jadyn about it for the past couple of weeks. Every time we had the talk about it she would cry. Ugh........ The week before her party I kept mimi away a little more each day. I will not lie to you. It did NOT go over well and it took some coaxing to get her to put them in the dog, but she did eventually. So here is our long day of pictures!
In the car on the way to build a bear.........Jadyn " i want mimi" HI gracie in the back!

mimi dog...............
Big sister gracie stuffing her dog........cinderella
Getting mimi dressed
brushing her hair.................
AT the end everyone in the store sang Happy birthday and between each verse you sway your arms and say "cha cha cha". She just looked at us like we were all crazy!
Fast forward to the big family party at Larry's pizza.............
We asked for clothes since we have more than enough toys, by the second or third bag, she just shoved it and said no!
Getting close to bedtime, she's looking for a "clean mimi" .................so I let her look for herself to see there was no mimi's in there!
Picture is awful because it was taken with my phone, but here she is crying for her mimi. She really did good, and only cried for about 5-10 minutes. She tried to find the mimi dog's "pocket" to get her mimis out and pulled a chunk of fur out trying.

OH what a big yawn!

That first night was nothing like I thought it would be! I expected to be up half the night, but she was worn out from her big day! And while I would love to say that she loves her mimi dog and just cuddles it and plays with it, I think she hates it! Daddy asked her after her nap the next day where mimi was , and she said " mimi gone gone"
Happy Birthday Jadyn!!! It looks like you had an awesome party! LOVE the cake and the idea of putting the pacifier in the doggie...you are one smart mama :o) Also, I think you were at OUR mall and Larry's! Do we live in the same area?
ReplyDeleteThank you! We all had a good time!! Wish I could take credit for the geniousness(word?)but I can't. It did work, but she does not like the dog now.LOL! We actually live just south of Benton. So not too far away!=) Actually my husbands cousin is a teacher at LRCA, but I'm not sure what he teaches.We LOVE larry's pizza and frequent the one in BRyant!