I love to look out and watch it snow............so pretty and peaceful. Makes me wish for a big bay window, a book, and cup of coffee.

This past weekend was my birthday. It all started out pretty good. Went to wal-mart Friday night to do my shopping, front space parking without having to drive around. Whoo-hooo!! Then decided to treat myself to some movies at hastings. Let me just say, I love my netflix for the simple fact that there are no late fees, but I suspended it when all the fall shows started back up. So, needless to say I was worried that I was going to be paying a bunch of late fees at Hastings since we can't seem to get movies back on time.=) Not only was there NO late fees, but I had CREDITS! Enough credits that I got one of my movies FREE!! Whoo-hoo!! All that good luck had to come to an end sometime..............Saturday was my birthday and this is what I did first thing Saturday morning.....................

Gracie and my dad made me this cake...........homemade pineapple! Yum!
I'm in the chair, at this point it was LATE, and my foot was killing me!
Sunday I did NOTHING! I mean absolutely nothing. I even took a three hour nap! I was trying to stay off my foot as much as possible preparing myself for kiddos the next day! Then we got the snow! I spent most of the day on the couch reading Dear John. I was somewhat disappointed, but I won't go into to it. I did read today that the movie ends different. I can't wait to go and see it. Hopefully this weekend!!
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