Our first tournament of 3 for the next 3 weekends was this weekend. Summerslam sponsored by Thunder. We had our first game Friday night (a loss) but Gracie had a GREAT game!! If she would only be aggressive going after the ball and actually throw it instead of chasing the runner down! (which occassionally does work!) Since we lost our first game, we had to play at 9 Saturday morning! =( We played against the swing sisters and won!

Getting ready to bat!

Here she is on defense! doesn't she look excited!

Our next game was at 12 so we had some time to kill............face painting...........

Everyone on our team was waiting on Margaret!

Strike a pose!

This was so a waste of $1! but I couldn't let my baby not get hers done too!

Bean bag toss...............coach jay vs. coach jerred............
It's getting hot...........hot............hot

We ended up playing a total of 4 games saturday!! Our girls fought their way out of the losers bracket to finish 3rd! We are soooo proud of these girls!

Elana, Gracie, Jaylin, Abigail, Riley, Maddie, Sophia, Madi, Abby, Brittyn, and Macey!

Woo_hoo!!! 3rd place might as well be first to these girls!!
We ended our day of games and went and ate a little dinner, went and picked up the little monkey, and finally home by 10:00! Next weekend we get to do it all over................
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