Jadyn wasn't very happy during gift opening time. But she had been playing with this one gift bag and we just thought she really wanted to open it. So, when we opened it we were surprised to see her pacifier! I guess that's why she was so interested in that present!!
Wow! I really can't believe it's been a year since Jadyn was born! I am so glad I have got to be home with her this whole time.
So, what are some things that my one year old Jadyn does..............
She's not walking yet, but she will take a few steps to you. If she realizes she's walking she quickly sits down!!
She's a climber!! She likes to sit on the couch and try to get down by herself, so I had to teach her how to get off!!
She is starting to eat more grown up food, but not much!
She says mom or mama, da da, ball, look, bye bye, and she shakes her head no!
I absolutely love her dress and hair bow, where did you get them?