Although, you see the massively giant horse in the back? This big guy scared her! His name is Big Foot, and he is the most gentle horse they have! He is the kid horse! His ears are as long as my hand!
We have some impatient cowgirls on our hands!
Gracie riding Ernie.
Olivia riding Pepsi.
at her daddy, because she wanted to ride by herself.
"this is MY horse!
It was VERY hard to take pictures while riding. Especially since my horse wanted to try to rub my leg on EVERY tree we passed.
These geese (and a few ducks) came to our campsite every day at about the same time. We fed them some crackers and bread. Our last day I saw a sign that said "Do not feed the geese" Ooops!
Just hanging out.

Cosmo went with us. He is a great traveling dog!

Who would have guessed a malshi would LOVE the water so much?! He got off his leash a few times and took off into the lake.
When I looked through the camera to look at all our pictures, there wasn't very many. I guess I spent more time relaxing then documenting our vacation. Oh well. It was nice.

The last weekend a bunch of family came up and we hung out. These three girls are best friends, no matter their age difference.

We did a lot of hanging out, kayaking, boating, fishing, swimming, and card playing. It was a great week, but I was so glad to be home! After living in the camper for a week my house felt huge to me. Since we made a couple of trips home during the week, our laundry wasn't that bad either!
Cosmo went with us. He is a great traveling dog!
Who would have guessed a malshi would LOVE the water so much?! He got off his leash a few times and took off into the lake.
When I looked through the camera to look at all our pictures, there wasn't very many. I guess I spent more time relaxing then documenting our vacation. Oh well. It was nice.
The last weekend a bunch of family came up and we hung out. These three girls are best friends, no matter their age difference.
We did a lot of hanging out, kayaking, boating, fishing, swimming, and card playing. It was a great week, but I was so glad to be home! After living in the camper for a week my house felt huge to me. Since we made a couple of trips home during the week, our laundry wasn't that bad either!
I'm ready to go back though.